Thermoforming Machine

Thermoforming Machine

Thermoforming (PP) disposable container production machine

Unlike semi-forming machines where all production stages are performed in one machine as an integrated stage, thermo-forming machines are composed of two parts: sheet making and container making (molding and press). Therefore, in addition to selling the final products that may be glasses or other containers, the sheet made in the first stage can be sold to use in different industries.

In this method, polypropylene (PP) is the main consuming material. However, these production lines can use other

Thermoforming Machine

 petrochemical materials including polystyrene (PS). PPs are among the cheapest and the most available materials in Iranian market. In turn, this remarkable privilege reduces the final price of products significantly. PPs are flexible materials that result in non-fragile products. On the other hand, they are not harmful to human health. Therefore, these machines produce the main portion of disposable glasses available in Iranian market.

Thermoforming Machine

Glass-producing machine (PP)

Thermoforming machines are advantageous to older ones i.e. semi-forming machines in the possibility of equipping the machine with glass collector. So in addition to being more hygienic and increasing production speed, it decreases the number of required human force. Certainly, this reduces the final price of products and increases production profit.

High-speed, high circulation capability and high quality of produced containers are other advantages of thermo-forming machines.